Wednesday 23 October 2013

What the rich do and the poor ignore to do!

The truth is the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger by the minute, This has a simple explanation attached to it. The law of attraction has more to do with this than anything else. The rich and wealthy people have adopted a lifestyle and a way of thinking that automatically advances them forward.

Poor people just have a negative mindset towards being rich and the way they live. Rich people know that a life long learning keeps them up to date with the ever changing world that we live in. The poor simply hate to read and learn even if their lives depended on it, this they view as an non-paying job. The rich are more cautious about their monies and they know the beauty of saving and investing. The rich save and invest their monies first and spend what is left over. The poor just spend and consume, they think about saving or investing when there's is little or no money left. 
These are traits that most poor people are aware of and are always postponing them for tomorrow when they have more money. The rich leverage their efforts and the poor don't even know what leverage means. The rich and wealthy work hard on providing value to the world and communities around them. The poor hate the idea of working. 

The common things between the rich and the poor is the air we all breath, some might say going for no 1 or no 2. Simple to change from poor to rich first you must change your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will automatically change your life. 

Thursday 17 October 2013

Money Changes

We all have heard of the term digital or electronic money at some part of our lives at least most of  have heard of it. For the people I know and who I have grew up with these are ideas that must be adopted! This is that type of money that manly operates in cyberspace and networks. There is no physical contact with this money for example paper money. More and more banks have long adopted the system and are working on ways that their consumer can also catch on.

Security is one of the main issues that still bother people with the use of electronic money. As we have witnessed over a week ago almost all South African major banks have been hit by a scam that involves millions of rands even more. So how are we to enter this market with surety of nothing ever happening to our systems. Are we suppose to go in hoping and praying that every thing will be fine.

The chances of you starting a business online and it being hit by hackers are 1 in 100. The are rules online that have to be followed and and doing so will drastically help you to succeed. Most people are putting all their trust on a certain company with all their information wishing nothing ever goes wrong.

To protect our monies the truth is we have to know more about security than we do now, if we are to compete. Starting a online business is easy today. With a business comes the risk of handling money. I'm only thinking of one solution to this problem is is to learn coding. Technology is trying to hide behind code.
For those who wish to start a business and handle electronic transfers you can think of other options. Learning to write code is something that can be done as a hobby. For the people I know this is the only option!

Friday 11 October 2013

SANRAL evulates? The people of South Africa

Here is something for the province of Gauteng and it's finical progress. SANRAL. Everybody is saying this is an international company. When I look at the board of directors of this company these people are as local as they come. I have been searching for 20 minutes now for it's where about and I don't find any one who is saying this is mine.  So it might be that this board is hired by a foreign company.
Cause if there are employed by another company from somewhere then it's a problem a problem that will not go away. This international company just came through the back door. Our own government payed 20 billion rand for the construction of this company and its operation.There is no doubt the new roads look better than the old ones and it all was done in the name of the world cup.

This means the South African tax money is used to raise capital for a business that will continue to operate for as long as it can! If this company is owned by foreigners then its another sad day for the SA economy. A foreign company would have just came to us, gave us ideas and they getting paid for it. They would have out smarted the gate keepers of our economy. How long and how much are we really going to pay. If its a local company I clap hands!!!

The government knowing about this from the start would be no surprise. There are huge profits heading that way. Whats happening inside our government it a game and we are all in it. It's your choice to love it or hate it. We can talk about this all day but it's a done deal. New business in town coming in heavy and smartly. I don't have a problem with this company! I just don't like overseas companies taking money away from this country and not paying back. It almost seem like thief's in the night.    

Tuesday 8 October 2013

The leader in you!

Do you think you are a leader? Do you have what it takes to lead people. Are leaders born or made?
These are some of the questions an entrepreneurs unconsciously asks themselves and answers themselves. There are many traits that different leaders have with some of them being similar.

The most common ones found are:
Ability to delegate

Sense of humor
Positive attitude
Ability to inspire 

These are some of the common traits found by Tonya Prive a writer for the Forbes website. Doing a self assessment of yourself running through these ideas will determine whether you are on the right path or you should change your course a bit. Most people today have the desire to open up their own businesses with little or no idea what is required for them to operate that business.
Business always starts with an idea and the proper execution of that idea. We all have the tools to make it in business but how we use those tools and manage our time is the difference in our out  comes. If your business is not where you want it to be then go back a review you plan or your goal. Change it if you have to!