Tuesday 17 July 2012

Why would you want to invite 5000 friends on Facebook?

I have been on Facebook as long you have been on Facebook. This article is based on my continues usage of the social site. I would say that everyday I grow more and more impressed on the size of the site and how fast it's growing. There are more and more people using the Internet than yesterday just because of Facebook. I do not fully understand the purpose this site is still to have but for now I can just say I will use this site to it's maximum capabilities.

For start Facebook is a wonderful place for any business or business idea that you might have. It's clear to see the amount of impact you can make on people's lives just by the touch of your phone or computer.
So let begin to see what can we do now with Facebook that would be of use to us instead of just staying online and watching people's profiles and photo's maybe even commenting on that stupid comment he/she sent you. For start it's a wonderful tool to have a database of your clients or customers.
I trully confess that this site is a killer of time. Lets kill time in a more productive way.
I believe that the maximum amount of friends any individual account can have is less than 5500. This is the limit to the amount of people you can invite on a personal account. My first question would be! do you really need that amount of friends on your account? and I answer yes you do. The more people you have in your account the better the chances of your product being sold because of your network. One way to invite so many friends is by simply sending out friend request to as many people as possible.Off cause these guys are not stupid they want you to work a little, so you can not modify the script to invite many people at once.
This has to be done one by one! Sending out friend request on Face-book is much simpler with a personal computer or a tablet device because of the extra features you are given. On your home page on the right hand side there is a list of possible people you may know. When you click to see all these people you now have a list of people to invite as friends the quickest way. To create an account with as many people you now start doing the invites, clicking on the add as a friend icon on as many people as you want. Now to avoid misuse of this method Facebook only allows you to invite certain number of friends at a certain time. Lets say you invited 100 people as friend in the  morning, the site will not allow you to invite another 100 in the afternoon. When the site notices that you are inviting friends this way they usually suspend your account from further invites,now to avoid this listern to the first friendly warning they send you.   This is the warning that will first be sent to you. On the third friendly warning you are suspended for using the request button. So just be careful of this an don't get caught. This is legal. Continue with this method for a couple of weeks and before you know it you have 5000 friends in your account. Now you can see how all those people managed to have that amount of friends.Happy facebook travelling



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