
Facebook login 'I'm a monster' 

While this is the second biggest website in the world according to It's also a dream come true for advertisers and security agencies.

Facebook is one of the greatest hacks I've ever seen. People just willingly giving up valuable information, how cool is that. For advertisers, they simply can just look into people they are interested, search their profiles and watch their interests their likes and many more! From there a product or service is designed to meet those needs! That goes for people who are aspiring to play in the business world!

You should always remember that emails are interconnected to each other! So for security agencies they can spy on who ever they so wish to!
If I knew what I know now 6 years ago when I was introduced to the site I would have not joined it! The more I understand how to write code the less I want to play socially public! Slowly but surely I'm removing all of my personal information on the site simply because I don't trust what happens behind closed doors of the company!

The website has so much room for growth and we can only wait and watch or develop the site!
I find it to be a bit addictive to some point.
The people who are my so called friends count now into the thousand or more! Which 95% of them I don't know, 2% of them I communicate with and the other 3% are just duplicate dummy accounts! I constantly see  people worried about how they look, what people are saying about them, who said the most stupid comment and how many people like their comments! If you not gaining anything and what is the point.

I meet people who constantly thinking about making money out of their friends from Facebook. Their conversations you'll sometimes think the things they say are morally wrong!

I think Facebook puts people in a position to fight for the top position which still puts them at the bu-tom of the pile! 

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Tech and we love

Technology is what has lead us this far. Even a slow thinking person can see the progress it has made.
The  rules of many games have been changed. Life is changed over night in this sphere.
It almost seem's like the people driving this force are not the one's we previously thought about!

Behind all this noise created by other people, there is a huge business opportunity for all of us.
I just had to drop everything  and come over to this side. Technology offers the greatest amount of freedom. People working on this field are constantly taking advantage of that freedom.

To think about it, simple words like these or a simple video has the potential to change someone's live thousands of kilometers away. With all the advantages come the disadvantages. From here we as a society decide what is morally good or bad.

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