Monday 4 November 2013


Facebook login 'I'm a monster'
Facebook is one of the greatest hacks I've ever seen. People just willingly giving up valuable information, how cool is that. For advertisers, they simply can just look into people they are interested, search their profiles and watch their interests their likes and many more! From there a product or service is designed to meet those needs! That goes for people who are aspiring to play in the business world! ..........more!

What the rich do and the poor ignore to do! 
The truth is the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger by the minute, This has a simple explanation attached to it. The law of attraction has more to do with this than anything else.....more

Global Advertising - Business move to the next level
In order for your business to prosper and make huge amounts of profits you'll need long lasting strong connections with other businesses and your customer. The rules of the business world have changed for those with good ideas and a strong entrepreneurial spirit......more

Why would you want to invite 5000 friends on Facebook?
I do not fully understand the purpose this site is still to have but for now I can just say I will use this site to it's maximum capabilities.......more

Super sales people.
Marketing is often one of the most important departments in any corporation. This article is based on research done by Thabisonetworks, a digital sales company that focuses on direct selling. Over a 5000 people where approached  to complete the research......more

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